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There are many ways to become involved with CASA of Western Wisconsin.


CASA is an organization powered by volunteers.  We need compassionate individuals to complete training and serve as advocates for children.  ​


However, we realize that not everyone is able to help in that capacity.  Fortunately, there are many different ways that you can help CASA of Western Wisconsin.  


First and foremost, help us spread the word.  Many of your friends and neighbors may not even know that CASA of Western Wisconsin exists.  We need to build awareness of what CASA is and how it serves children in need, right here in our area. 


Non-profit organizations such as CASA are reliant on the financial support of donors.   It costs approximately $2100 to train an advocate.  You can help.  Attend our fundraising events. Donate directly through our website (click on QR code or click on Donate,)  make in-kind contributions, host a social media fundraiser, ask your employer to match contributions, shop Amazon Smile, choose CWW as the recipient of your Thrivent Choice Dollars, make a commemorative gift or encourage endowments to CWW. 

It's that easy. There are literally hundreds of ways to support CASA of Western Wisconsin.






© 2020 CASA of Western Wisconsin

Call us:


Find us: 

410 East LaSalle Avenue, Suite E

Barron, WI 54812

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